Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I also liked what I learned in biology. My favorite part was learning about the genes and your DNA. I found that stuff very interesting and intriguing. They taught me how I my DNA was formed and how my traits were. Biology was a very fun subject this year and I liked it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I remember when i was in biology class, this unit was probably my favorite. I didn't disect anything but i did like learning aboutt he body and all its parts, i feel like that was easier to learn out of anything else that year. It's awsome when you feel like you actually have learned something, and then remember even a year later. Maybe one day you will be a doctor!

Friday, May 7, 2010


I've never dissected anything this year and last year I missed the frog dissection. So I don't really know anything about dissection except for dissecting a worm, but that seemed like nothing. It's good that you are no longer scared of dissection. We have a lot more throughout high school and that could be worse.
I reallly enjoyed that too. I liked learning about the genes and what you inherite from your family. I was interesting to find out what really goes on inside someones body.

positive experiences.

i ate a goat heart.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I also got to dissect a goat heart and lungs and it was a great exoperience. I definatelty thought the coolest part about it was seeing the lungs inflate. It was a great lab.

My Positive Learning Experience

A lesson I learned this year was in my biology class. I learned alllll about the body systems and I actually ended up pretty intrested in it! We spent a lot of time on DNA which i didn't quite understand at first, and than I understood later on. Than we learned about the cardiovascualor system, and the heart and lungs. My biology teacher Mr. Kling brought in a goat heart and lungs which I thought was pretty gross at first, and we inflated the lungs to see how big they get when we breathe air. He gave us each a heart and set of lungs and esophagus, and me and my partner dissected it. It was gross at first but eventually it was kind of fun. I learned all about our heart and lungs and body and it had a positive outcome too! I'm no longer afraid to dissect things and as grossed out.